Although there are now dozens of small companies offering smokeless vapor cigarettes, there are only a handful of companies that are considered leaders in the marketplace. Because competition for business is so fierce at the moment, the big names in the electronic cigarette world have got some fantastic deals to entice customers. Don't worry though, you don't have to scour the Web looking for the best deals because we have already done that for you. The list below is constantly monitored and updated to reflect what we believe are the best of the current offers available online.
Our Top 5 recommendations
Best Deal
Our Rating
Greensmoke have gained an excellent reputation in the past couple of years. Their vapor cigarettes are really well made and they have recently expanded from the USA to the UK too.
They often run offers for new customers and have recently introduced smokeless cigarette starter kits.
Greensmoke offer a variety of flavors and strengths so it is much easier to find something that suits you.
There are a number of kits now available, all the way from "Starter" kits right through to the "Pro" kits.
We think their "Express" Kit covers a good middle ground and as it's currently on sale, represents excellent value for money
Eversmoke are a relative newcomer to the smokeless cigarette scene but have already gathered a large fanbase. Eversmoke target the slightly more mature audience who are very health conscious rather than the youth market. Their products are very high quality and made to last. The Starter Kits offered by Eversmoke are great value as are their refills.
V2 Cigs are another highly respected supplier of smokeless cigarettes. V2 supply only 2-piece cigarettes because they believe this make more sense than having a traditional 3-piece electronic cigarette.
We love the fact that there are literally dozens of flavors and strengths of smokeless cigarettes that V2 offer and they are continually developing new flavors, trying to get the edge.
Based in Miami Beach Florida, South Beach Smoke are considered by many to be the pioneers of the electronic cigarette here in the United States. While other companies were unsure of whether or not these new devices would even have a place in society, South Beach Smoke fully embraced the idea, investing heavily in research and development of this exciting new product.
South Beach Smoke was really the first company to introduce electronic cigarette "Starter Kits". These kits are aimed at people who have perhaps never tried and certainly never owned a smokeless cigarette of their own.
We tried a Smoke Assist smokeless cigarette a few months back and it was perfectly adequate with a reasonable build quality. At the time we paid $79 for the starter kit which seemed quite fair. We have recently been informed that Smoke Assist are now offering this for free (but you have to pay shipping & handling).
If this is the same model of cigarette and of the same quality, this will be a really good deal.
Over the past few weeks we have been asked a number of times what exactly smokeless cigarettes are. It seems that the media, and in particular newspapers and magazines have begun to use the term smokeless cigarettes increasingly to describe electronic cigarettes that produce no real smoke, hence smokeless cigarettes. Although this seems straightforward enough now that we have explained it (or to those who were already familiar with the terminology) it is actually quite misleading to those who are new to smokeless cigarettes in general. Although smokeless cigarettes don't actually produce real smoke, they do produce a vapor (hence the oft used name vapor cigarettes) that mimics smoke. Indeed, this vapor is actually one of the main attractions to those hoping to quit smoking with the help of smokeless cigarettes as it gives a psychological trigger to the brain that the person has inhaled from a cigarette and fools the mind into believing that the nicotine shot was from a traditional and harmful cigarette rather than the healthier smokeless cigarette.
The make-up of an electronic vapor cigarette varies by manufacturer and model although a number of common components are recognizable between them. In the more popular makes of e-cigarette you might expect to find the following:
1)Electronic Circuit
Although usually referred to as the circuit of the cigarette, this is really what is known in the industry as the logic board. Depending on the sophistication of the device, the logic board can contain numerous components from basic things like temperature sensing devices, LEDs and switches right up to expensive components like air-flow meters (to allow the e-cigarette to “activate” when the smoker sucks or puffs rather than having to remember to push a button or switch) and even microcontrollers (to allow the manufacture to control every aspect of the vapor cigarettes output and appearance). Due to the size of this section, it is usually housed in the white body part of a smokeless cigarette.
2) Battery
Today, the vast majority of electronic cigarettes employ the technology of the lithium ion battery due to its excellent electrical properties (namely its ability to hold charge and ease of recharging). This type of battery is very easy to recharge either at home or in the car. Many electronic cigarettes now even come as standard with a USB adapter and cable to allow the device to be easily recharged using the 5v supplied from a standard desktop or laptop computer USB port. Again due to the physical size of the battery, this is usually located alongside the logic board and other electronics inside the main body of the cigarette.
You may not immediately recognize this word, but you will probably recognize the component that it refers to and you have probably heard it referred to by its common name – the heating element. The Atomizer’s sole role is to turn the contents of the cartridge into a vapor that may then be inhaled. This is where the term vapor cigarette originates from. Because the atomizer, or heating element, reaches very high temperatures it is therefore a consumable item. The cost of replacing atomizers varies but it is generally one of the most expensive parts of the cigarette that will need replacing regularly.
The cartridge takes the place of what would be the filter on a traditional cigarette. The cartridge is the area that holds the liquid that is to be atomized and then inhaled. Cartridges are disposable, often giving the user the option to refill it several times with smokeless cigarette fluid or simply to dispose of it and replace it with another pre-filled vapor cigarette cartridge.
For years, people have been crying out for a technical solution to their smoking problem. In an age where people are much more conscious about their health and under increasing pressure to give up or "quit" smoking from governments and charities the world over, it is no surprise to many that finally an intelligent and hi-tech answer has been invented, vapor cigarettes. Over the past couple of years, a number of scientists and manufactures have begun to release what have become known as Vapor Cigarettes. Vapor Cigarettes contain no tobacco and unlike tradition cigarettes, they are not constructed from paper but instead from either high quality plastic or metal. These vapor cigarettes, sometimes called electronic cigarettes do not need to be set alight but instead operate using an electrical current provided by an internal rechargeable battery.
These smokeless cigarettes instead produce a vapor or steam thanks to the cartridge installed inside them and this gives a more realistic sensation to the “smoker”. The cartridges of the vapor cigarettes are normally placed inside the electronic cigarette are also able to releases doses of nicotine (the drug contained in normal cigarettes that is the most addictive) and even different flavors and scents of water vapor.The press and indeed the media at large were very quick to pick up on these new products, unsure whether vapor cigarettes were just another craze or potentially a long term solution and an aid to those who in the past may have been unsuccessful if quitting for one reason or another. This media frenzy helped to bring smokeless cigarettes to the attention of a worldwide audience and the product gave hope to many that their tobacco smoking days were truly numbered. Whilst there have been similar types of devices in the past, they really amounted to not much more that tubes or straws with nicotine soaked cotton wool inside them, really crude devices in comparison to the electronic type of cigarettes that have captured the imagination of so many today. While there are many who speak out against the vapor cigarettes, mainly due to the fear that they will appeal to non smokers and children who view them as a novelty, there is a general consensus that they are a good thing and have a legitimate place in helping people who are determined to kick the habit.
It has recently been announced that there is a very strong possibility that the smoking of vapor cigarettes on aircraft will soon be banned by the US Government. The US Secretary of Transport has stated that all passengers deserve to be in comfort during flight and that allowing passengers to smoke vapor cigarettes may diminish the comfort of other passengers aboard the flight.
It has been proposed that the ban will extend to the smoking of vapor cigarettes aboard all US domestic and international flights regardless of whether the airline is US based or not. Officials within the industry argue that the move to ban vapor cigarettes in the skies would be a mistake and have reiterated that the vapor cigarettes do not emit any smoke whatsoever, hence their name smokeless cigarettes and therefore pose no threat to other passengers. With the recent announcement that vapor cigarettes are now prohibited on all Amtrak trains many people are very suspicious of the real motivation of the few people within government who are making the loudest noises in an attempt to curb the use of the vapor cigarette. It does seem very strange that despite the fact that vapor cigarettes are able to deliver nicotine while providing the user with the sensation of smoking, in a much safer way, that there are still people who would rather the general public smoked real cigarettes instead of smokeless cigarettes.